World Book Week

This is the first time I organized a Book Week celebration on the last week of the school.  I thought it will not have an impact at all.  Suprisingly, it's a hit because it is when all are getting ready to go on for their holiday and want to detach from the curriculum.  Teachers are trying to stretch their classes that won't matter on the student's grade anymore and Book Week is the answer.  We started planning the activities when we came back from the long break due to suspension.  This is the first time that the library hosted the Book Week, the Literacy department always handles this celebration.  I made it very simple for all, no extra work for the teachers and no challenging preparation for the library.

We had Book Swap for our smallest pupils in the school.  We prepared the letter to parents on what kind of book they must send with their children.  Some didn't follow the instruction (or maybe didn't understand the letter) that they still give their kids an ADULT book for swapping.  Some brought their books but are not willing to swap their most precious book, they thought they will only swap for a day, whilst, many were happy that they have a new book.  Generally, the activity is successful. We gave stickers for those who participated in the swapping.  I let the Thai staff explain to them the importance and procedure so it will be clearly explained to the children.

Aside from swapping, we also did a Story time with our smallest pupils in the school.  One in Thai and one in English.  They love my story just the way my son loves it when I tell him the story even over and over again.  Our Thai librarian was quite conscious and nervous because it's her first time, on the 3rd day she got no voice:(


For our Primary students, we did the Book Bingo Game.  Everyone enjoys, even the teachers joined us in the game.  The students couldn't get enough of it that they keep on asking for another round.  This activity is truly a hit!

For the Key Stage 3 students, we did the Book Spine Poetry.  We divide the whole class into small groups of 2's and asked to come up with poem or quote out of the titles of the book that can be read from its spine. We asked their English teacher to judge their work.  Surprisingly, some of the groups came up with 2-3 more quotes out of the books they've found.  Very engaging and spontaneous activity indeed!

For our oldest students in school, we did a Summer Reading Challenge.  We challenge the teachers to choose one Secondary student to read a book that they(teacher) have read before and ask their chosen student to read during the summer break and submit a Book Review at the start of the next semester.  The teachers love the idea but there were just a few takers, everyone is just looking forward to the holiday.  Nevertheless, we received 3 book reviews and the challenge made a buzz after the participants received their reward for participating.  Hopefully, our next reading challenge will be more popular.  This activity gives no extra work for the teachers but raise the profile of the library with new library display for us.

And of course, our very own Book Sale.  Unwanted library books and magazines were sorted according to prices and placed on different boxes for everyone who is interested to buy or take for free.  This is a win-win situations on all ends, the library reclaimed the space we need, generated a few thousand baht and save the parents money for buying (bargain prices) good books, they also get free magazines!

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